Do you Git it?

Created: 2015-11-27

I touched on the world of a few months ago and I realized I needed a cheat sheet to navigate it. Here it is for future reference.
Description Command
copies files into local folder git clone
shows difference between local package and github repository git status
pushes all commits to the github repository
pulls all commits from the github repository
git push
git pull
-m adds a message to the commit (if -m is not used vim/nano opens and a message can be added) git commit -m "message"
stages all files for next commit
stages all files in the current directory
git add -A
git add .
shows list of branches
creates a new branch of the current branch
makes newBranch the active branch
git branch
git branch newBranch
git checkout newBranch
makes newBranch the active branch
attempts to merge master into newBranch (it always attempts to merge into the current branch)
git checkout newBranch
git merge master
shows unpushed commits git log origin/master..HEAD
shows unpushed diffs git diff origin/master..HEAD
revert changes to modified files
remove all untracked files and directories
git reset --hard
git clean -fd
saves current changes in a "stash" (without committing them)
lists available stashes in a branch
reapply changes from stash@{0}
drops stash@{0}
git stash
git stash list
git stash apply stash@{0}
git stash drop stash@{0}
show the commit history
show the differences introduced in the last 2 commits
git log
git log -p -2

Standard workflow consists of:

git pull
git branch
[implement feature]
git add
git commit
git push
[then pull request and merge]

That's about it.